MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
Big data Analytics (Credit course) for IV B.Tech CSE / IT will be started by Prof. Janakiram from IIT Chennai (10.30am) Through Aview--- I request you to download A-View software and be ready (
A-View username and passwords were already sent to you in earlier mails by Rama krishna from A-VIEW. ( If not, please contact him on 9966200026 for your user name and password
Software Engineering in Practical Approach (Audit Course) offered by Prof. Pratap, University of California Berrely (9.30am) Through lensoo ( and webex
I request you to create user name and password for lensoo and follow the webex-linnk given above before 9.30 am
Big data Analytics Credit course wll be kept as Elective for the B.Tech IV yearI sem CSE/ IT and same credits will be given to it. ( R10 Regulations) There will be Internal examination and external examination as per R10 regulations for all the MOOCs credit courses.
Software Engineering in Practical Approach (Audit Course) is not having any credits but very useful for the students. This course is useful for IV year students while doing their IV-II project work and also for placements.
- (I) There is no financial Commitment from the colleges.
- (II) The College should identify the faculty member to handle the course from college side.
- (i) He should sit in all the classes.
- (ii) He is the interface between the online mentor and student.
- (iii) He will evaluate the internal scripts.
- (iv) H should be able to handle the subject on his own in case of emergency.
- (v) He will be trained.
- (vi) His participation in the classes is considered as one theory subject work load.
- (III) For one way connectivity Infrastructure requires are Laptop/ System, 2MBPS connectivity, White board, LCD Projector & Screen, Camera and Mikes.