MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

  1. Big data Analytics (Credit course) for IV B.Tech CSE / IT will be started by Prof. Janakiram from IIT Chennai (10.30am) Through Aview--- I request you to download A-View software and be ready (
    A-View username and passwords were already sent to you in earlier mails by Rama krishna from A-VIEW. ( If not, please contact him on 9966200026 for your user name and password
  2. Software Engineering in Practical Approach (Audit Course) offered by Prof. Pratap, University of California Berrely (9.30am) Through lensoo ( and webex
    I request you to create user name and password for lensoo and follow the webex-linnk given above before 9.30 am
  • (I) There is no financial Commitment from the colleges.
  • (II) The College should identify the faculty member to handle the course from college side.
    • (i) He should sit in all the classes.
    • (ii) He is the interface between the online mentor and student.
    • (iii) He will evaluate the internal scripts.
    • (iv) H should be able to handle the subject on his own in case of emergency.
    • (v) He will be trained.
    • (vi) His participation in the classes is considered as one theory subject work load.
  • (III) For one way connectivity Infrastructure requires are Laptop/ System, 2MBPS connectivity, White board, LCD Projector & Screen, Camera and Mikes.